Thirty Day Kickstart
The Thirty Day Kickstart into the Harvest is about…
· One month to discovering your place in God's mission
· Three practical and accessible ways to engage in that mission.
· Impacting lives for eternity with the mission.
So many followers of Jesus are puzzled when it comes to God’s call to be on mission. They often express statements like, “I want to make disciples in the harvest field, but what’s next?” “I want to obey Jesus’ command to be on mission, but how do I start?” Do you find yourself ever raising questions like this?
For those who have the desire to be on mission but do not know what to do next, Field USA is providing a Thirty Day Kickstart into the Harvest. This is designed to help you explore your place in God’s mission. There are three accessible and practical ways for you to engage in that discovery...
1. 30 Day Prayer/Devotional Guide for the Harvest Field (paper and online forms)
2. September 8, 15 & 22 (Prayer walk at 2p. Different outposts and churches will be involved.)
3. Other churches to come alongside of Crossroads Community Church and see what we are doing with our pop-up pantry at our outposts on September 28. This gives a hands on practical example to see and learn about harvest field engagement.
Who can participate? Anyone wanting to take the next steps. This can be done as churches, small groups, leadership teams or individual practitioners.
When does it begin? Through the month of September beginning on September 1st.
It is our prayer that toward the end of these 30 Days you will have a better picture of where and how you can labor in the harvest field. We are excited to have you join in this with us as we kickstart laborers into the harvest field. If interested, Click Here.