Our Values
Scattered: We value both the scattered and gathered movement of the church as facilitated by the Ephesians 4:11 God-given APEST gifts. We understand that as important as the gathered (nurturing) dynamic of the church is, it would not exist without the scattered (missional) dynamic of the church first obeying the Great Commission command to, “Go and make disciples…”
Inexpensive: We value employing tools and practicing skills, which are inexpensive and simple, to enable disciples to become more effective in making disciples who also make disciples. Costs and complexity should not be barriers to multiplication.
Multiplying: We value training those we disciple to make their own disciples so that multiplication continues. Jesus’ command was not to merely “be disciples” but to “make disciples” implying the ongoing priority of training to do the same.
Personal: We value the personal calling and creativity of every follower of Christ to disciple others from the place of his/her own unique giftedness and mission field context. Forms of ministry follow the function. Ministry methods are unique to the disciple-maker.
Loving: We value servanthood expressing costly acts of love as the key attitude for all disciple-making ministries. Discipleship always involves costly service. This is what Jesus, the greatest servant, values and commands.
Everyone: We value the “priesthood of all believers.” Everyone who is a follower of Jesus has the responsibility to make disciples and the potential to reproduce churches when they are properly equipped by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.